Our Story

Smart, affordable products

Our Story

Escooper is a trendsetting Online Baby Store, offering first-rate products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from all over the world. Founded in 2014, Escooper was the brainchild of a group of enthusiastic parents just like you. We know how vital it is to provide the very best for your little one at every stage of their growth.

Our name has become synonymous with quality, sustainability and reliability. We are proud to have produced years of happy customers and look forward to continuing our work for many more to come! Browse our site to explore our extensive selection and follow us on Shopee or Tik Tok to stay in the know about special offers and discounts!

Our Mission

Your satisfaction is our motivation

Our mission is to bring you a fantastic selection of carefully chosen products that we absolutely believe in, ensuring top-notch quality and safety. Our team of like-minded professionals partner with both local and overseas brands to offer a diverse selection of products, including baby gear and educational toys, all carefully selected to facilitate your child's growing needs.

We’re fuelled by your satisfaction and are always eager to enhance your shopping experience. From adorable baby gear to essential nursery items, each product is handpicked love!

Thank you for letting us be a part of your family’s exciting adventure!

Let’s Begin